Choose Bliss Now's blog

Helping you to connect sex, love and spirit

Loving the body; changing times August 27, 2010

Suta Rawson Tantra teacher, healer and bodyworker

Suta reflects on a juicy summer, looks forward to a busy Autumn, talks about his  joy of helping people to open and expand through the body, and reveals what Choose Bliss Now is really all about……

Watch it here….


Come, come, yet again, come! August 15, 2010

Watch Suta’s video blog from the first Osho Leela Tantra Festival!

And some feedback from the event…….


The joy of Tantra June 22, 2010


Welcome to my Tantra-talking, sky-walking, heart-stroking, fire-stoking blog!

Much has happened in the weeks since the last instalment. I had the pleasure of going to work in Latvia for the first time. I followed an invitation from my friend Abhika to lead a group there in the capital city of Riga. I found it a most interesting place and was very impressed by the people who came to our workshop. The venue for the weekend was a very high quality, beautiful Ayurvedic spa recently opened by a delightful young couple, Laxmi and Krishna. For some of the participants this was their very first workshop of any kind and yet everyone really dived in, opened deeply and had a LOT of fun! This was my first time working ‘through’ a translator and I really enjoyed it – it gave a spacious, ‘breathing’ quality to presenting. I look forward to returning to Latvia next year.

Next stop was Croydon Hall to lead two six day groups with my beloved teacher, Sarita. The first week was the second run of the Tantra-Man Tantra-Woman experience (see my blog on the School of Awakening site – ‘The Evolution of Tantra Man’ for the story of its creation last year). This year we had a smaller group and a smaller team but the process has been refined, extended and improved so is now a powerful, alchemical journey.

The beauty of Croydon Hall in the summer time

We were blessed with perfect Summer weather which showed the grounds of Croydon Hall at their full glory. After a day together the men and women are separated for three days. I love this time of being with the men as they bond, share, and pass through many physical and energetic exercises that support the honouring and expansion of their sexuality, creativity, power and consciousness. Over the years I have noticed that men are really ‘coming on’ in their ability to connect with each other with honesty and heart and a greater willingness to embrace both their strength AND their vulnerability. It is a very touching experience for me to witness this and gives me hope for the journey we men need to embrace at this time in our evolution.

After resourcing with our own sex for some days the men and women are reunited in a beautiful and deep ritual. The last days of the group are given over to learning and practising two Tantric massages – the Taoist Sexual energy massage and the Shiva-Shakti Kashmiri Massage. Although very different, both these are powerful, intimate and supremely pleasurable sessions that go beyond mere healing and into the realms of Tantric transmission. Sarita emphasised the importance of the preceding days being a vital preparation for the massages. The energetic space and lineage from which they come must be respected, otherwise some of their potency is diluted and the magic is reduced to technique. So if you really want to get the full benefit of these sublime transmissions, experiencing them on the group is the best way.

After relishing a day off with a refreshing walk through the surrounding countryside, the next group started arriving for level 1 of the Couples Training. Partners came from all over the UK, India, Spain, Norway and the USA – even Australia (!) to be ‘in’ on Saritas last level 1 (from next year the first three levels of the training will be run by Roxana or Fiona, with different male teachers from the School).

As ever it is my privilege and joy to see couples taking the ‘rollercoaster ride’ through some of the difficult patterns that may have been causing some dissatisfaction or stagnation in their relating, and come into a greater depth of love and appreciation for themselves and their beloved. This time there were a few surprises – a number of people were clearly having Satori experiences – moments of enlightened perception and clarity ….. and, more down to earth, one couple managed to collapse their bed during one of their ‘love-appointments’ !!

Praful and Peru

We were also gifted with a live concert of beautiful music by Praful and Peru. Praful is a highly talented blower of saxophones and flutes whose music I have admired for some years. Peru is a more recent discovery for me and this was my first time seeing her live. My goddess! She is a force of Nature when singing – together their performance was an exquisite transmission with a strong Tantric flavour that complemented our group-work perfectly. Check out their CD ‘Breathing Love‘.

The group was truly a delight with most of the couples already expressing an intention to go ‘all the way’ to level 7 in 2012.

The Summer is a relatively quiet time for me in terms of leading events. I am looking forward to a six day silent retreat in July, followed immediately by DJ-ing/facilitating an experience of Ecstatic Dance at the Quest festival in Newton Abbot, before going on to Sheffield to run my favourite of my own groups, ‘Exploring Feeling Really, Really Good Through Tantra’. The highlight of the Summer is the Tantra festival at Osho Leela, a potent mix of the great and good of the Tantra world, which looks like it will be a very juicy event. I hope to see you there, or somewhere else on the travelling Tantric express!

With lots of love



Magical, ecstatic wonder – Tantric life as I know it! December 2, 2009

Welcome to my blog for November!

Another month deeper into the season of dark nights (and days!). Since I last wrote there have been several noteworthy events in this Tantric life …… ……

I had the pleasure of returning to Croydon Hall with Sarita of the School of Awakening for a six day couples group that is level 2 of the three year training. This workshop explores the theme of ‘Male-female balance’ using the chakra system as the map or guide to the territory. Over the years I have come to appreciate the depth and profundity of the chakras as a way of understanding the way energy and consciousness manifest through the physical body and our behaviour, and also love many of the practical methods and techniques that we can draw upon to help bring us back to wholeness, health and vitality. So to spend six days immersed in this was something I had been really looking forward to. The group surpassed my hopes and was a delight. It was such a joy to see the couples deepening in their love ….and opening new dimensions in their erotic connection and expression with their beloved. Truly heartwarming stuff – and a testament that this Tantra stuff really works!! Oh and not forgetting the party – this was great fun with some wonderful characters emerging out of the dressing up and role play – proving that personal development doesn’t always have to be serious – in fact insight and learning can also happen with mirth and hilarity!

Back in Bristol the Men’s Tantra Circle has been continuing with the journey going deeper. There was also another highly enjoyable evening of ‘Tantra Touch’. I was very happy that my dear friend Tina was able to join me for the session and will be bringing her tremendous warmth, playful heart and general gorgeousness to these events in future as my assistant. I am thrilled to have her on board as she is such a wise, encouraging and loving being. Here in Bristol we were blessed that another radiant friend, Amala, had organised a high energy evening for friends and lovers of the spiritual teacher Osho. This included some sublime live music by the band Presence and Sarita acting as a focaliser for some seriously high-voltage energy. This was a very beautiful evening with many gathering from far and wide to dance and celebrate together. It seemed like we were being bathed in a pure, spiritual light that night and the ripples of this event could be felt around Bristol for several days afterwards! I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the magic.

Finally at the end of the month I was in London to hold another event with Sarita. This was a two day course called “the Ecstacy of Tantra”, organised by Alternatives. We had a great team of experienced helpers to support us on this workshop, and in all there were about 55 people , including many newcomers, taking a fast and deep journey. Again we were working with the chakras as the map to a journey that took us through many states – sexy, playful, dynamic, tender and magical. The group really opened up and dived right in, opening up a tangible feeling of ecstacy and wonder in a short space of time. I am noticing that people are really able to move through their limitations and let go of their stresses quickly these days, and reconnect with and remember our true nature. More and more people are exploring new ways, answering some calling……if you are reading this article its likely that you are too…..keep going , probing , exploring…. resting ….listening! 

With love til next time,



Suta’s October diary November 16, 2009

Bristol-based Tantra teacher and bodyworker SutaHello and welcome!
As the season (and clocks) change there are numerous shifts to notice and enjoy happening. The unique quality of the light and the spectacular hues of the changing leaves the beginnings of a ‘bite’ in the cooler air …..I experience the moods of Autumn as a wonderful gift. For me it has also been a time of new ventures and busyness.
In mid – October I was back at the Croydon Hall community to help facilitate the unveiling of the new five day Tantra Man Tantra Woman workshop with the School of Awakening. We had well over 50 excited participants – some very experienced tantricas and a number of new faces, all eager to dive into the process! On the first day the men and women were separated so that they could spend the next two and a half days being with their own sex and receiving the support and empowerment that can come through that. On the third day there was a beautiful reunion of the men and women in a ceremony that included mantra singing, sacred geometry, meditation, dance and the exchanging of gifts. The highlight of the remaining time was the demonstration and practice of two different massage methods – the Taoist sexual massage and the Kashmiri method. Both of these sessions can create beautiful, powerful and sensuous experiences and many people expressed a great desire to practice them more and to go deeper into each method.
After the large group dynamic and intensity of the time at Croydon Hall I enjoyed the contrast of running some smaller events back home in Bristol. There were some introductory sessions for the new Tantra Circle for Men for which a very fine bunch of men showed up.  Almost immediately there was a depth of intelligence and willingness to share that suggest this will be a potent gathering. Enabling people to become more relaxed and fulfilled in and through their body is something I feel called to. So I really enjoy developing different ways or formats for that to happen ….and to spread!
In modern life people so often forget the healing and joy that can be derived from simple, authentic pleasures. I’m on a kind of mission to remind them! One way I’m doing that is through evenings called Tantra Touch – a place where we gather to give and receive affectionate, nourishing and safe touch without having to sexualise the experience.The transformation that happens in the people who come, in the space of just a couple of hours, is something I love seeing. Tense, stiff bodies relax and soft, faces become flush with colour, eyes brighten and a serious and anxious demeanour gets replaced by warm smiles and giggles of delight! Aaaahhhh yesss!
Sometimes people like to approach things through the mind and a more conversational or informative manner. So I am starting to offer events – Let’s Talk About Sex being the first – that have that flavour and even here I get to see a similar response in many members of the audience. For some, simply listening to me speak with a passion about ‘our human sensual potential’ and sharing from a Tantric perspective can open doors to new thinking and inspire an expanded sense of possibility. Encountering ideas that may be new, perhaps even a bit challenging, can evoke a sense of curiosity and excitement. I will admit that I have been surprised how much I enjoyed doing this and am enthusiastically looking forward to the upcoming dates.
I leave you with an encouragement to really make some time for you – time to take a breath, slow down and really relish the direct exquisite pleasure just waiting to be felt in the body. Millions of years of evolution have developed and refined our extraordinary nervous system which has a capacity for pleasure way WAY beyond what most of us ever realise. Turn on the taps to your total titillation!!
With love, ’til next time,